April 29, 2016

Coastal Delights

The beach cities north of San Diego are one of my favorite places to visit. Thank you to Raphael for introducing me to this area, for sharing the quiet beaches that only the locals seem to know, and for bringing me back again and again.

This time . . . our first view of the ocean in Del Mar.

Bluegrass music at the library. Free, of course.

Everywhere you look, every nook and cranny, is aesthetically pleasing, even the rocks in the wild places seem to arrange themselves and bloom for your pleasure.

Cactus and eucalyptus against the setting sun.

Every sensual pleasure lends itself to a zen moment. . . the 5:30 morning jacuzzi, chili cheese bean burger for breakfast with the sound of surf behind us, a quiet session at the Encinitas library, a visit to Chino's organic market, the Carlsbad flower fields, and the stroll through Carlsbad's high street.

Chino's produce stall at their farm was delightful. The $30 on greens and sprouts for our on-the road sandwiches were well spent, especially considering the dedication that organic farmers put into their work -- and into the soil.

We ended the day in Carlsbad with a pizza on the green, and looking out to sea as is the custom of the locals.

Highlight of the day? Flourless rich moist chocolate dessert with the sweetest fresh strawberries from Chino's farmers market--not those humongous bright red ones that are plentiful and cheap but tasteless.

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