April 29, 2016

The Flower Fields of Carlsbad

We've driven by the flower fields before in February and October on the slim chance they might be a few flowers, but the furrows always lay dull brown under the blue sky. Today was my lucky day. I floated on fragrance and color on a glorious afternoon until I was fully satisfied and flowered out. Here are a few pictures. The main fields were full of poppies.

This striped ribbon candy-looking flower was quite unlike anything I've seen in flowers.

Coastal Delights

The beach cities north of San Diego are one of my favorite places to visit. Thank you to Raphael for introducing me to this area, for sharing the quiet beaches that only the locals seem to know, and for bringing me back again and again.

This time . . . our first view of the ocean in Del Mar.

Bluegrass music at the library. Free, of course.

Everywhere you look, every nook and cranny, is aesthetically pleasing, even the rocks in the wild places seem to arrange themselves and bloom for your pleasure.

Cactus and eucalyptus against the setting sun.

Every sensual pleasure lends itself to a zen moment. . . the 5:30 morning jacuzzi, chili cheese bean burger for breakfast with the sound of surf behind us, a quiet session at the Encinitas library, a visit to Chino's organic market, the Carlsbad flower fields, and the stroll through Carlsbad's high street.

Chino's produce stall at their farm was delightful. The $30 on greens and sprouts for our on-the road sandwiches were well spent, especially considering the dedication that organic farmers put into their work -- and into the soil.

We ended the day in Carlsbad with a pizza on the green, and looking out to sea as is the custom of the locals.

Highlight of the day? Flourless rich moist chocolate dessert with the sweetest fresh strawberries from Chino's farmers market--not those humongous bright red ones that are plentiful and cheap but tasteless.

April 9, 2016

A Spring Day in Santa Fe

It was a cold, damp, rainy day in the capital, nevertheless we managed to eek out many pleasurable moments.

Warmth and quiet at the public library

Late lunch at Santacafe. The asparagus bisque was delectable.

Visit to the new art installation Meow Wolf. See separate post.

Site Santa Fe art exhibit

Meow Wolf - House of Eternal Return

Created by an arts production company, this immersive interactive art installation, retro theme park, haunted house, Wes Anderson movie set, Alice in wonderland -- art thrill fails easy description as I've experienced nothing like it before. The first of its kind, opened in Santa Fe last month.

it's  a "must visit" for art lovers. We went yesterday afternoon. Here are a few pictures.

April 7, 2016

Happy Art Hour

Fun evening making portraits at the Hispano Cultural Center in Albuquerque.

My portrait of Raphael.

Raphael's portrait.

April 6, 2016

India Revisited / December 1, 2015 to February 14, 2016

Here are a few of my favorites.

Foggy mornings

A red post box


Paper kites

Cloth bundles

A meal eaten on a banana leaf with my fingers. Melted ghee on the rice.

Clothes drying outside

Bright happy colors

People everywhere so you're never lonely