July 31, 2015

Durango, Colorado

Completed our solar project at noon and headed north immediately. It's almost 4 pm and we're at a coffee place in Durango. Still got to locate our camp site. Hopefully, it won't rain on us tonight.

July 20, 2015

Bio Park Butterfly Pavillion

After all these years in Albuquerque, Raphael and I took our first stroll through the park and aquarium.
My favorite butterfly is the Glass Wing, pictured immediately below. Also exciting as it brought back memories from childhood was our viewing of the monarch chrysalis--shiny band of gold beads against translucent green (see last picture).

July 19, 2015


Last evening Raphael and I walked down to Central Street for the summer festival. The roads were blocked of and there were hoards of people. Pris would have been surprised to see so many people--almost like Chutturshinghe. Any way we got there just in time for the car show drive-by. I couldn't help wishing Rohit and John could have been there. The pictures are not great because of the lighting but it will give you a feel for the event.