April 20, 2015

Ferry to Rio

Sunday was a full day that started with us joining a tai chi class with a professor, and colleague of Andrew's, and his wife leading the group in the scenic outdoor open space of the museum looking out over the water.

Following tai chi we boarded the ferry for the 20 minute ride to Rio. Much shorter and way more pleasant than taking the traffic jammed road. Flocks if swallows skimmed the water.

Andrew had hoped to take us to a morning concert but unfortunately when we arrived we discovered they had sold out. We nursed our disappointment with cups of coffee in a street cafe on the plaza outside the magnificent structure that is the concert hall, and later walked around a bit taking in an art museum and other street sights of the city. I was excited about seeing a young malyali family, the man's mustache being a dead giveaway, otherwise they could have passed as being Beazillian, that I went up and chatted with them. Another highlight was meeting an Amazonian Indian who exchanged contact information with Andrew for possible future linguistics collaborations.

On the ferry ride back, Andrew had us sample corn pudding, a street side treat. Later that afternoon after a late lunch at Cilene's we all headed to the garden park atop the highest point of Niteroi to take in the views.

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