March 29, 2017

Spring in the Neighborhood

Spring came early this year but then went back in hiding again. Emerging life and color is celebrated when most of the year, New Mexico is a drab brown.

March 19, 2017

Tim Keller for Mayor

Raphael organized a neighborhood "meet and greet" event for Tim Keller who is running for mayor. We've known Tim since 2009 when he was state senator and represented the international district in Albuquerque. He is currently state auditor. Tim was able to obtain 5000 signatures and 5000 - $5 donations which enabled him to become eligible for public financing. By the last count he had 9191 signature.

Tim attended 7 neighborhood events that same weekend but said we had the best food. Thank you neighbors for contributing to the table and for coming out to show your support.

Here are a few pictures from that day.

March 14, 2017

Cousin Brian and Jewel Visit

March 9 - 13. It was exciting to have Brian and Jewel spend a few days with us. While Jewel was tied up for much of the time attending a wholistic health conference, Brian and I took long walks in the neighborhood, did some spring cleaning in the yard and relaxed. The last day we spent together in Santa Fe -- not surprisingly it was the highlight.